Wednesday, October 20, 2010

School with Micah...

For language arts, three days a week Micah does a couple pages in his Handwriting Without Tears workbook, copies the next word from his children's dictionary three times in a special notebook and reads aloud a story from his nature reader.

Once a week I read him a story, he draws a picture from the story and he copies a sentence from the story that I copy first onto his Handwriting Without Tears paper.  He is supposed to tell the story back to me as well, but I keep forgetting to have him do this!  He does it for much of our other work, Bible, History, etc., and I'm happy to say it is starting to get easier!  (he is 7 1/2)

Here's his language arts from today:

This story has some African religion folklore, talking about the "great spirit", and I use that as an opportunity to talk about the different beliefs of people who don't know the One True God.  That part of the story is minimal though and it is a really neat book where we learned a lot about different birds and other creatures that make their home in this giant African Baobab (pronunciation?) tree.  This tree lives to be a 1,000 or more years old!!!!!

Once this yellow-billed hornbill seals herself in, her husband breaks a small sliver in the mud-seal and brings her food!  So fascinating!

See those two people?  I asked Micah who they were and he said it was me and him.  We went to Africa for "special time".  (Special time is when we take the kids out for one-on-one time and do something fun together)  That sure sounds like fun!

Now, see a real African Baobab tree!  Check out the size of this thing!  Amazing!  (Ginny, you'll have to show Seth!)


Leah said...

Hi Abbey, I follow your sister Ginny's blog, and saw one of your comments on there and decided to read a little of yours. I just thought I'd comment and say you have a beautiful family, and I have a son named Micah and a daughter named Abi. So neat!

Ginny said...

What a huge tree!!!

Anonymous said...

While growing up in Africa my brother and I have many great memories of baobob trees. We always said that they look like the roots are growing out for us to see so the green tree part must be in the ground.