Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dried spit up on my keens and other things

So last time I wrote about a lot of great things at my home.  At least I think they are great.  Learning about God is one my favorite things to do.  That's awesome.

Now let's talk about some other aspects of our lives.  Let's start with me.

1.  I have dried spit up on both of my keens that's been there for DAYS and DAYS.  I keep thinking I'll wash them because they stink and make my feet stink, but I wear them all the time, LITERALLY.  Why?  I'll get to that.  So you may ask, why don't you just take a baby wipe and clean it off?  I don't know.  I just can't remember to do it.  But when I don't have a wipe around I notice the spit up on both shoes.

2. I wear my shoes all the time, inside or out.  Why?  Because if I don't my pelvic pain is far worse than it normally is---uncomfortable and very limiting.  I thought the hardships of having six kids, was just having to care for six kids.  Nope.  I may never fully recover.  That's a hard pill to swallow.  I'm not being a marter.  I'm being honest.  And I don't ****ever****, at least not yet, call it "all gain".  If I did, I would know it wasn't entirely sincere.  I'm just as selfish as anybody else---you know why I had six kids?  Because I LOVE being pregnant and I LOVE having babies and I LOVE the idea of having a big family.  That's all about me!  That's not selfless!

3.  I think we only eat like one vegetable a day.  Did I really say that?????  I need to really work on this.  I'm a former healthy eating freak.  Unless you count the occasional meal that contains refried beans and you count the beans, or the occasional can of diced tomato mixed in things, we are doing good to have one veggie.  Usually steamed brocolli.  Sometimes it's just frozen peas prepared in a little boiling water.  A few days a week I try to make a green smoothie so we can get in some greens.

4.  But my kids do eat a lot of fruit.  FROZEN fruit that is.  They must have teeth of steel because they love it.  I used to get just the organic fruit.  Now almost anything goes.  At least it's fruit.

5.  Those of you who know me in person already know this about me.  I've turned into the proverbial run down mom who goes around in stretchy pants and t-shirts with her hair pulled back in a stupid bun or a pony-tail.  Several reasons why.  1. I can't seem to squeeze more than 10 minutes in for showering AND getting ready.  Wet hair is usually how I leave the bathroom.  2.  Truth is, I could find more time, but I choose to do something like clean my kitchen or read during my larger chunks of free time when kids are sleeping.  3.  I don't know why I can't make time to shop for clothes that fit.  4.  I have a hard time buying clothes when I'm 15 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight.  I'm ultra cheap.

6.  I really look forward to bedtimes for my younger children.

7.  Also, at almost any given time you will find spit-up or baby food on my left shoulder. It takes a lot to get me to change.  Especially because there's not much to choose from in my closet.

9.  My 5 year old regularly clogs our toilets.  Like at least 5 to 7 times a week we find a toilet with mounds and mounds of toilet paper heaped inside of it.  I told him this evening in a loud voice to just quit it.  Just seriously QUIT IT.

10.  We have regular middle of the night visitors.  Thankfully they usually go to Steve's bed because they know I growl in the middle of the night.  Unless of course it's hungry Jacob.  I nuzzle him.  Thank goodness for those nursing hormones!

11.  You should see our garage.  It's just gross.  I don't know how to do anything about it.  Every time we clean it and it looks decent, within days it's just horrible again.  I drool over the image of the floor painted with that nice concrete paint.  And then thought of moving everything out to do it causes me to real quickly get over it.

12.  My house is messy a lot.  You know, mostly with toys.  And other things.  All over.  And I know I should be fine with it.  But I'm not.  Even though my pelvic condition tells me to rest, you'll usually find me walking around, bending over, again and again, picking things up.  I really need to chill out on this one.

13.  I don't know why it's so hard to make my own bed though.

13.  And people, this is all with my three older kids in school this year.  So you homeschoolers, don't think that putting your kids in school is the answer to all your problems.  Now grantit (I'm a horrible speller too)-yes, there are times of rest (if you read my last post, I did have some moments of pure bliss on the deck watching leaves fall gracefully off the trees).  But, if you still have small children in the house, and especially if you have physical ailments, this is just reality.  Wherever and however your kids are schooled.

Seriously?  I don't know how other moms have it all together.  But I don't.  Do we do some good things around here?  Yeah.  You do with your kids too.  And we all know don't we that we wouldn't have it any other way!  Raising kids is hard---but it's so worth it.

After putting little Jacob to bed tonight I walked in to find Andrew who is 8 years old, having finished bathing and getting Samuel (3) ready for bed, and reading to him---with inflection the "Diary of a Worm".  It was so cute.  I crouched down by the chair and Samuel came and cuddled in my lap with his sweet little smile with the slanted sparkling eyes, and I just ate up the moment.  And there are many moments like these.  And I'm thankful!

 I'll end with a whole bunch of pictures of my little cutie pie.

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