Saturday, September 03, 2011

Isaac starts school and turns 13!

Lots of changes around here!  Isaac has been home schooled the last three years.  This year we felt it was best for us to delegate this aspect of his life to someone else.  He was accepted into Dominion Classical Academy.  It has been so neat to see how God put all this together for him and for us.  Even down to getting him a ride home from school.  (school dismiss's right in the middle of my babies naptime!)

Isaac is absolutely loving school.  He is making friends, and learning a lot!  It is just what the doctor ordered (God's the doc!).

First morning of school!

We all have to admit it-he is one handsome fellow.

September 1 we celebrated Isaac's birthday.  It's so hard to believe it has been thirteen years since he was born!

My parents came over the night before his actual birthday to celebrate with us because they couldn't make it on his actual birthday.  Then on the day of his actual birthday he requested Krispy Kream donuts for breakfast, so we bought those the night before (oh, so yummy...I had to cheat from my usual gluten free diet!), he had enough leftover to take some to share with everyone in his class.  That afternoon we had, par his request, baked oatmeal for dinner, and then he got to open his presents.  Andrew picked out that tall plant  for him for his birthday, Micah got him a rubber band propelled airplane, and Steve and I got him the story of Bear Grylls's hike to the top of Mount Everest, a mechanical weather center that includes a barometer (I think this was his favorite gift), a lava lamp (he had previously mentioned how much he wanted one of these), oil pastels (also something he had previously wanted), and a squirrel feeder and corn cobs (oops!, he proclaimed, "but I hate squirrels!").  

I love this boy who is growing up right before my eyes.  I can't believe in a few short years he will be bigger than me and look like a man.  It's neat though.  I'm loving watching him grow up.  I feel like a queen with all these boys around me, I can only imagine how it will feel to be surrounded one day by five grown men.  (and maybe more!)

Thank you Father for thirteen years with Isaac!  May we see You magnified in him in the years to come.  

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