Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Crocheting hats!

I've known how to crochet since I was a teenager but only very simple blankets. My sister Angie has recently started crocheting and she is so good at it! She has taught herself how to crochet hats and dresses and dolls...amazing! So she taught me this past weekend how to crochet hats. I am really loving it but not quite yet good at it... I'm going to keep working at it. Eventually I'd like to learn to knit but for now, until someone can teach me, I'm going to keep working on hats... So here was my first hat intended for Benjamin:

So it is obviously too big for Benjamin, in fact, it is too big for me! Andrew has a really big head so I thought maybe it would fit him! Nope! It is too big for any human... maybe it would fit a lion head?

So, okay here is my try for a smaller one...

It is so small that I have to stretch it out to this ugly hole filled hat... Maybe at some point I'll get it right?

So here is my third try... It still has to many holes in it and everyone insists Benjamin looks like a girl in it... I kind of have to agree...

Don't worry Benjamin, I'm going to keep working :) So at least it only takes me about 45 minutes to crochet one of these things. I had fun picking out yarn to make a hat for each of my boys. They were all very eager for me to make them one which I thought was cute and sweet.

1 comment:

Daphne said...

I LOVE the hats!! Maybe you could give lessons to a friend (hint hint)