Wednesday, November 25, 2009

November 1-Happy 4th Birthday Andrew!

How we love this boy!

Dear Andrew,

You are so special to us. You light up our lives with your smiles, your laughter, your joy. (and the cute way that you say things which you are in speech therapy for!) You are very cuddly and love to be held. You want me to carry you in the your baby brother's carrier. I did once all through Toy's R Us until my shoulders and back felt like they were going to break! You do "school" with me and Micah and really love it. You are always ready to run in and do school even when your brother Micah isn't so interested. It is designed to be kindergarten for Micah but you are more enthusiastic than him! You love to color and draw pictures. You drew a really frightening picture of me today. I think you might be mad at me because I don't spend more time with you alone. I'm trying! I absolutely adore you! We made a print of your hand the other day with a kit that I was going to give away. You found it and really wanted to do it. I told you we would after lunch. Well, after lunch I went up to feed Benjamin and put him to sleep. While I was rocking I could hear you outside the baby's door. Daddy also heard you and asked you what you were doing. You were "waiting for me". When I came out 15 minutes later you were gone but the handprint kit was in the hallway. Even though I had so much to get done I knew I had to follow through with what I told you I would do. So we did the kit together. You enjoyed every second of it. I did too! I love you!


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