Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My little joyful butterball....

Benjamin is almost 6 months old now! I can't believe it! He is SO precious. He is probably weighing in at around 20 pounds and is just unbelievably squeezable! He is happy all the time and even when he is fussing I can easily make him smile and giggle while he is fussing. He IS sleeping through the night now, about 11 to 6. So that is great! He is also in his own room. I started that about 2 weeks ago simply because he had totally outgrown the little bassinet he was sleeping in. I guess it isn't made to accommodate 20 pound babies! He started sleeping through the night the first night he was in his crib in his own room. Maybe he was just too cramped! He does like to sprawl out with his arms above his head outstretched and he definitely couldn't do that in the bassinet!

I just took these photos of him tonight. I find myself not taking pictures very often which is sad, but I just am so occupied with the daily necessities. I love having Benjamin so much. It is so much work but it is so worth it! I love having another precious boy to get to watch grow up and see how he grows and matures. Each of my boys is so unique and so special. Each is a gift!

1 comment:

love2bmom said...

What a DOLL!! You are blessed!

