Sunday, March 01, 2009

Some helpful things I've learned...

It is so cool and fun to be learning things and growing as a homemaker/wife/mother. I'm going to bullet point some things I've learned lately:

  • Put a 1.o0 dollar write on/wipe off board on the fridge to write notes/to-do's on. This has been invaluable!

  • Night before, write down on the white board what's for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner so there is no guessing or thinking of what to make/eat the next day...

  • If it is convenient and will be helpful make food preparations the night or day before-such as we are having chicken and rice made in the crock pot for supper tomorrow night and I just cut up the veggies and put them in the fridge and I measured out the spices into the crock so in the morning all I have to do is put the chicken, water and veggies into the crock pot and turn it on. Doing this while the kids were asleep was so much easier than in the morning rush of trying to get through breakfast and on to homeschooling!

  • My home school plan is an invaluable tool...I've posted it before but I will again. I think you

can click on it to make it larger. I just put in our subjects and the days 1-4 for our 4 day school week and then for the things I need to know what to do in like geography or history or art I type those in on Sunday night. I then print out my schedule, slide it into my planner and I use that as a guide each day. What we get done I highlight, what we don't I can just look at that the next weekend when I'm making my new schedule and put it on the schedule again! It really helps me stay focused during the school week and I feel really accomplished when I highlight everything in a day! When we do something different or extra I can write that in. At the end of each week I take it out, three hold punch it and put it in the back of my planner. So I have a record of what we did every week of school! Very easy and very helpful! I usually do my planning on Sunday nights. I do have a plan already for the entire year for geography and history so all I have to do is type that in-not think of it each week. I spent many hours getting those plans together ahead of time.

  • I'm finding that planning ahead and doing things that I can ahead make life so much easier.

On another note, I've really been enjoying homeschooling and doing things with my boys. I think Steve being gone 12 days really made me slow down and enjoy them. We played games together, read more stories, went on field trips, made cookies, apple bread, etc. We had a great time! I'm so glad to be enjoying them and not in accomplishment mode and check off tasks mode all the time. Although I did find myself keeping the house more clean and getting more done while he was gone. Isn't that strange? You'd think I would have struggled more-but I believe all the planning/cooking ahead that I did before he left made things easier for me. See there it is again-planning ahead, cooking ahead, these things make life easier in the long run!

Okay, it is 10:30 and I need to go have my quiet time and go to bed. That's another thing I've learned is to have my quiet time at night. While I can be pretty sleepy at night, I'm just plain grumpy in the morning and VERY task oriented in the morning. It is hard for me to focus and be quiet before the Lord. So probably for the past 3 months I've had consistent times with the Lord, reading my Bible, praying, etc. at night! It works so much better than trying to get myself out of bed in the morning early. I'm just not a morning person!

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