Saturday, August 17, 2019

Blogging again...and a nature walk!

I don't know why it is so hard to get outside...really for me to get outside (besides the heat!), but
my structured plan for nature study is helping.  (more on that in another post...loving our simplified homeschool organization this year!)  Although I planned for the boys
to make an entry in their nature journals (those poor neglected books) and that didn't happen,
at least we did get outside and see some really neat stuff!  Sharing some pictures below and then I will tell you about my plan for my blog!  

I love that we can head right into our own backyard to see all these things.  Our walk was cut short by my needing to pull the bread out of the oven.  I'm back to making my families bread thanks to a used Bosch mixer I bought and sprouted whole wheat flour I buy at Dekalb Farmers Market.  It makes it so easy!  Just mix all the ingredients, the machine does the majority of the kneading, put in a bowl for 45 minutes, divide out into pans, let them rise in a warm oven, bake and done!  

I'm also back to blogging.  For about 7 or 8 years I blogged when my boys were small, during the having babies years.  I did it because I couldn't bring myself to lug out all the paper and glue and print photos and make scrapbooks, but I really wanted to keep a record of all our special memories.  I planned to one day print my blog.  I recently turned 40 and decided I wanted to tackle that project, of printing my blog, and Blog2print made it possible and relatively easy and inexpensive to do so.  I have over 1,000 pages of memories in four books to read through and it is so much fun!  I have a terrible memory so I wouldn't remember a thing about those good and hard years if it weren't for my blog.  

I had planned to print my blog and then delete it from the internet, but when I realized how much I love having the accounts of our days, funny things the boys said and did, I decided instead of deleting my blog, to keep going with it!  I want to remember these special days too as my boys are all growing up.  So while this will never be a famous blog in the eyes of the world, it's famous in our family.  The boys are already pouring over my printed blog books, giggling, sometimes roaring in laughter at the things they said and did.  

So here I go again!  

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