Saturday, April 03, 2010

Baby Food...

For all of you who don't have a baby, you may skip this post!  I knew it would be so irrelevant and boring!  For those of you who do, I was pleased to make 13 jars of Lentils and Rice baby food for about 2 dollars!  I used some old baby food jars that I had washed and put about 4 days worth in them to save in the fridge.  The rest I put in ice cube trays in the freezer.  Speaking of them, I need to pull them out and transfer them into freezer gallon ziploc bags!  This particular batch I used 1/2 cup of brown rice, 1/2 cup of brown lentils, cooked together in water for 50 minutes or so.  I made sure that they were really soft before taking them off the stove.  I threw in three large steamed carrots and one large peeled raw whole apple.  I blended them all together in the blender and Benjamin loves it!  Healthy and cheap and yummy---the best!


Sara said...

Hey Abby, just a heads up-most baby food books suggest that you not make carrots. There is too much nitrogen (I believe) in carrots. When they make carrots for baby food they are grown in special soil that is low in nitro.

Rachel said...

What a great idea! I think my son would actually eat that. He doesn't like carrots by themselves, but I think that mixture would be really tasty! Will have to give it a try.